Raised and educated in the United States
[Born in Germany after WWII, emigrated to USA in 1950]
- B.A. Classics (Honors Program) at John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968
- M.A. Philosophy at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1972
- M.A. International Relations, Yale University, New Haven Connecticut, 1988
- Ph.D. Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1995
[Among others, anti-Vietnam War protests, the Catholic Worker, the Industrial Workers of the World, and organizing support for Solidarność in the USA]
- The Strike in Gdansk, 1981, and Solidarity under Siege 1983, self-published
- „Le Syndicate Solidarite” L’Arc, Paris, 1984
- „‚Freedom and Peace’ in Poland,” The Nation, May 23, 1987
- „Who Benefits from East Germany’s Changes?” Boston Globe, September 6, 1987
- „Conversations with the Polish Underground,” New Politics, Winter 1987
- „Solidarity Tries Unity for the Big Vote,” New York Newsday, December 7, 1990
- „O Populizmie, Kosciele, i Przyszlosci Partii Politycznych” [„On Populism, the Church, and the Future of Political Parties], interview with Juan Linz, Res Publica (Warszawa), no. 6/91, June 1991
- „Mass Movements and Democratic Politics,” interview with Karol Modzelewski, New Politics, Winter 1992
- „Wstrzymać Pozar Etnicznych Dzungli” [„Stop Burning Ethnic Jungles”], interview with Ivo Banac, Gazeta Wyborcza (Warsaw), August 10, 1993
- “Korzenie Kontrreform,” Rzeczpospolita, Warszawa, październik 21-22, 1995
- “KOD—Gwarant Fair Play,” Rzeczpospolita, Warszawa, maj 20, 2016
- “Tocqueville in Ukraine: Civil Society in the Academic Community”, Volume 5, Issue 1 (34), 2016 - “Philosopher on the Streets of Belarus (on election protests),” by Tatiana Shchyttsova, ed. and trans. by AWT, ASEEES NewsNet, 2020
- “Humanities in a War Zone,” in Oh, The Humanities,” January 24, 2023
- The “Art of Solidarity,” co-organized an exhibit of posters and martial law artifacts, which toured, among others, Yale University, Harvard University, and the Russell Office Building of the U.S. Senate in Washington, D.C., 1982-84
- “Far From Poland,” consulted on a feature-length documentary film by Jill Godmilow,1984
- „The Political Drama of Stanislawa Przybyszewska,” Theatre, magazine of the Yale School of Drama/Repertory Theatre, Winter/Spring 1990.
- The Drawings of Bruno Schulz, ed. by Jerzy Ficowski, book review in The Polish Review, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1991.
- “Human Solidarity, Polish Solidarność,” [co-authored an historical exhibit of Solidarność roots in the1970s opposition, Consulate of the Republic of Poland, New York, 2010
- Department of Political Science, Emory University, Atlanta, 1993-4
- College seminars at Yale University 1984, 1986, 1995, 1996
- Intensive seminars at MISH, UW, 1997,1999, 2001-2005
- Courses at the Kolegium Artes Liberales, 2006-2019: “Sztuka Pracy Naukowej” (co-taught); “Academic Writing in English”; “Reading as Reasoning,”
Writing workshops
- In Poland, Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, 1997-2019
- At Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, 2023, 2024
- Manuscript Development Workshops in Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda, 2013-2019
Director of International Programs
American Council of Learned Societies 1995—2021
- East European Constitutionalism Teacher-Training Project 1995-2002;
Final Report, 2002 - Social Science Curriculum Development at Universities in Central Europe 1996-99
- Social Science Translation Project, 2004-2005
Guidelines for the Translation of Social Science Texts, with Michael Henry Heim, 2006 - Managed ACLS sponsorship of East European Politics and Societies, 2001-2023
Programs of fellowships and grants
- Research fellowships and language training in East European Studies, 2000- 2011
- Humanities Program in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine 1998-2012
- East and Southeast Asian Archaeology and Early History, 2005–2011
- African Humanities Program, 2008–2021
“Recommendations for Reinvigorating the Humanities in Africa,” December 2014 - China Studies Program, 2012-2021
- Buddhist Studies Program, 2014-2021
After retirement in 2021
Engaged in a new combination of social activism, academic administration, teaching, and writing:
- Established EEPS Foundation, serves as president,, 2024-present
- Co-organized and co-directs the Flying University for Ukrainian Students,, 2022-present
- Teaches at the Wydział Artes Liberales: “Academic Writing in English: Ethics, Structure, and Style,” 2024-present
“Universalist claims and local perspectives: Decolonizing ‘Academic Writing in English” in Topos, 2024: European Humanities University, Vilnius, Lithuania
DOI: -
“The German Democratic Republic and the Revolution that Wasn’t,” with Łukasz Gałecki, in East European Politics and Societies (EEPS), August 2009
“From Sign to Signal: Lessons from two texts on liberal education in Poland and Russia,” in Znakowe Wartości Kultury, Warsaw: University of Warsaw Press, 2015
“Liberal Education and the Intercultural Classroom” in College/Collegium/Kolegium, jointly published by the University of Warsaw and Boston College, Warsaw: Sub Lupa Publishers, 2010
“Keeping Silent, Keeping Faith” in Silent Intelligentsia: A Study of Civilizational Oppression, ed. Jan Kieniewicz. Warsaw: IBI „Artes Liberales,” University of Warsaw, 2009
„Apologies for Jedwabne and Modernity,” in EEPS, Winter 2002
“Roots of Counter-reform,” Problems of Post-Communism, May 1995
„Youth Activism in the East European Transformation,” Introduction to a special issue, guest-edited by AWT, of Communist and Post-Communist Studies, June 1994
„Poland’s Unwanted Social Revolution,” in EEPS, Spring 1993
„The Other Poland,” in Telos No. 92, Fall 1992
„Workers vs. Intellectuals in Solidarność,” in Telos, December 1991
Toward a Rational Society by Jurgen Habermas, review in Telos, Summer 1971
Świadomość Religijna I Więź Kościelna by Leszek Kołakowski, review in Telos, Fall 1970