Suli is a mountainous land in Epirus in northwestern Greece. This book collates its Greek 19th-century vision with the European view in the works of English, French, Italian, and Polish philhellenes. Investigating the interactions between various images of Suli, it analyses its functioning in different European cultures: the first historical mentions of Suli, the role of Byron’s poems in shaping its image, Greek folk songs about female fighters from Suli, and the mass suicide of Suliote women known as the Dance of Zalongo. Especially the legend about the bravery of the Suliotes has been important in Greek national discourse and the study follows the threads of the legend formed by Greek intellectuals and the European Philhellenes.
Repozytorium Dane Badawcze UW
Historia nie tylko ludowa. Transformacja klasy ludowej na polskiej wsi po 1989
Synergia badawcza: wydziałowe seminarium integracyjne
Spotkanie z Anną Augustynowicz
Prof. Mikołaj Sokołowski na seminarium „Tradycja chciana i niechciana”
Medal Franciszka Skaryny dla prof. Elżbiety Smułkowej
Wieczór grecki: „Kreta – moja miłość”