W serii OBTA Studies in Classical Reception ukazały się:
- De viris mulieribusque illustribus
- De amicitia. Transdisciplinary Studies on Friendship
- Polish Literature for Children and Young Adults Inspired by Classical Antiquity. A Catalogue
- Classical Antiquity on Communist Stage in Poland. Ancient Theatre as an Ideological Medium. A Critical Review
- Antiquity and We at the Centre for Studies on the Classical Tradition
- Antyk i my w Ośrodku Badań nad Tradycją Antyczną
- Tadeusz Zieliński. Queen of the Wind Maidens. Prologue
- Birthday Beasts’ Book. Where Human Roads Cross Animal Trails... Cultural Studies in Honour of Jerzy Axer
- Biographical Dictionary of Polish Women Classicists: 20th Century
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