This study offers a detailed analysis of the fiction of J. M. Coetzee, including the novels of the South African and Australian periods, to demonstrate the development of Coetzee’s engagement with the complexities of non-normative embodiment. In this illuminating monograph, Paweł Wojtas demonstrates the extent to which Coetzee’s multifaceted depictions of disability offer a sustained critique of the ableist implications of political violence and neoliberal inclusionism alike. Exploring a wide range of notions, such as ocularnormativism, mute speech, eco-disability, disability Gothic, dismodernism, autogerontography, and bibliotherapy, Wojtas shows how Coetzee’s ‘disabled textuality’ provokes a sustained meditation on various forms of cultural denigration of disability experience.
Repozytorium Dane Badawcze UW
Historia nie tylko ludowa. Transformacja klasy ludowej na polskiej wsi po 1989
Synergia badawcza: wydziałowe seminarium integracyjne
Spotkanie z Anną Augustynowicz
Prof. Mikołaj Sokołowski na seminarium „Tradycja chciana i niechciana”
Medal Franciszka Skaryny dla prof. Elżbiety Smułkowej
Wieczór grecki: „Kreta – moja miłość”