- Ułan-Ude – Warszawa. Dwa goroda, dwa mira, obszczije problemy i nauczno-issledowatielskije wyzowy
- Polsza – Rossija. Poiski nowoj idienticznosti. Schodstwa i razliczija
- Facing Challenges of Identification: Investigating Identities of Buryats and Their Neighbor Peoples
- Searching for Identity: Personal Experiences and Methodological Reflections
- Discourse of Ukrainian Identity in the Polish Opinion-Forming Press during the Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan. Media Linguistic Analysis
- Elites of Post-Transformation. The Cases of Central and Eastern European Countries
The systemic transformation in Central and Eastern Europe brought about the emergence of consensual elites that ultimately favoured a consolidated democracy. Today, however, some countries are experiencing democratic backsliding, with the elites fragmented or even divided. The book presents several case studies of how elites across the region have been changing. They can be instrumental in both democratization and democratic backsliding. Illiberal elites claim to represent the will of the people, which in their view is true democracy. To understand the current state of democracy, it is necessary to examine the role of the elites in this process. It is also pertinent to address the question about the origins and characteristics of the contemporary elites that threaten liberal democracy and undermine the existing consensus.