Regimes of Capital in the Post-Digital Age provides a view of the current state of capitalism, through the interrogation of key diagnoses offered by philosophers and social theorists. With attention to questions about the manner in which the advent of the information age has shaped capitalism, the implications of the post- digital age for social capital, and the possible forms of resistance to the problematic aspects of capitalism, it will appeal to scholars of sociology, philosophy, and social theory with interests in critical theory, capitalist society, and digital culture.
Kursy on-line dla studentów: Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Educaçã
Calls for Papers
Konferencja: „Studia środkowo-wschodnioeuropejskie. Perspektywy rozwoju”
Rozmowa z prof. Katarzyną Marciniak
Konferencja na temat polskiej prezydencji w Radzie UE
Stypendium rządu francuskiego
Synergia badawcza: wydziałowe seminarium integracyjne