Prof. dr hab. Jolanta Sujecka uprzejmie zaprasza na seminarium „Tradycja chciana i niechciana”, w ramach którego 18 kwietnia 2023 r. prof. Leo Rafolt z Akademii Sztuki i Kultury im. Josipa Juraja Strossmayera Uniwersytetu w Osijeku w Chorwacji (Academy of Arts and Culture of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek) przedstawi prezentację pt. Rituals of the institutionalization.
Spotkanie odbędzie się w siedzibie Kolegium Artes Liberales przy ul Dobrej 72 o godzinie 16.45 (sala 4).
Zapowiedź prezentacji

Leo Rafolt was born in 1979 in Zagreb. At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies of the University of Zagreb, he graduated in 2003 with a degree in Comparative Literature and Croatian Studies. In 2006 he got his doctorate in Theatre and Performance Studies at the same University. He worked at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies in Zagreb from 2003 to 2017. He currently teaches Performance Studies, Cultural Theory and Theoretical Dramaturgy as a Full Professor at the Academy of Arts and Culture of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. As a guest lecturer, he lectured at several European, American, and Asian universities. On several occasions, he obtained fellowships at foreign universities and research centres, mostly in France, Poland, UK, USA, and Japan. He wrote more than a hundred articles for encyclopaedic and lexicon editions.
He is the editor of several anthologies, co-editor of a lexicon, editor of several books:
Odbrojavanje: antologija suvremene hrvatske drame (2007)
Miljenko Majetić, Između Hekube i Rabbija: dramatološki, teatrološki i ini spisi (2017)
Public Sphere between Theory, Media, and Artistic Intervention (2019)
Joseph Texte, Jean-Jacques Rousseau i ishodišta književnog kozmopolitizma (2019)
Jean-Luc, Jeener, Kazalište na samrti (2019)
Mika Hannula, Juha Suoranta, Tere Vadén, Umjetničko istraživanje: teorije, metode i prakse (2021)
Dubravko Mataković, monografija (2023).
Besides, he is the author of the following books:
Melpomenine maske: fenomenologija žanra tragedije u dubrovačkom ranonovovjekovlju (2007)
Drugo lice drugosti: književnoantropološke studije (2009)
Priučen na tumačenje: deset čitanja (2011)
Odbačeni predmet: između filologije i izvedbe (2017)
Tijelo kao glagol: japanski budo, transkulturalne tehnike i trening za izvedbu (2019)
Virus in fabula (2020), Chorégraphie de l’éphémère (2021), Preskočene niti (2022)
Montažstroj’s Emancipatory Performance Politics: Never Mind the Score (2023) i Tijelo nacije uvod u japanski budo (2023).
For his research he got Croatian State Award for Science (2008), Annual Reward of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies (2009), Judith Award (2009) and Zvane Črnja Award (2021).