Laboratorium Analiz Transformacji Elit i Inteligencji, Elitylab UW zaprasza na seminarium, na którym wystąpi prof. Jan Pakulski. Tematem wystąpienia jest „Dynamika i transformacja elit w krajach Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej i jej polityczne skutki”.
Seminarium odbędzie się 14 czerwca 2023 r. o godz. 14.15 w Kolegium Artes Liberales przy ul. Dobrej 72.
Jan Pakulski, MA (Warsaw), PhD (ANU), Professor Emeritus at the University of Tasmania, Australia and Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia (ASSA), Professor at Collegium Civitas (from 2015) and Affiliate w Stanford Centre for Poverty and Inequality, from 2015 Professor in Collegium Civitas in Warsaw. He is the author-editor of 13 books and over 120 scholarly articles on elites, social change, democratization, multiculturalism, post-communism, social movements, and social inequality. His most recent books are Toward Leader Democracy (with Andras Korosenyi, Anthem, 2012), Violence and the State (co-edited and co-written with Matt Killingsworth and Matthew Sussex, Manchester UP, 2015), Visegrad Countries in Crisis (Collegium Civitas, 2016).