16 listopada 2023 r. o godz. 12.00 w siedzibie Wydziału „Artes Liberales” przy ul. Dobrej 72 odbył się panel pt. „Commemorating the History, Culture and Tradition of Jews (Israel, Poland and the Balkans  – Sofia, Kielce’s Great Synagogue, Zagajski’s House of Prayer in Kielce, White Building at 6 Twarda St. in Warsaw, Radegast Station and Museum of Polish Children in Łódź, Jewish Cemetery in Gdańsk, Holocaust Memorial Centre in Skopje)” organizowany w ramach seminarium „Tradycja chciana i niechciana”.

Nagranie panelu dostępne jest on-line (zobacz na dole strony ↓).


12:00 – 1:40 p.m.
Opening of the Panel – Jolanta Sujecka

Session One – Moderator: Magdalena Wróblewska
Monika Stobiecka: Authorised Heritage Discourse and Jewish Material Heritage in Poland
Małgorzata Wosińska: From Grochów to Be’eri: Jewish Kibbutzim as a Legacy of „Endurance” and as a Practice of Social Resilience in the Face of Crisis
Katarzyna Taczyńska: Competition of Memories? The Holocaust in the Museums of Łódź

Discussion 1:40 – 2:10 p.m.

Coffee break 2:10 – 2:25 p.m. 

Session Two – Moderator: Monika Stobiecka
2:25 – 4:25 p.m.
Magdalena Wróblewska: How Can Things from the Ghetto Remember?
Grzegorz Kwiatkowski: Memory and Lack of Memory in Gdańsk and the Surrounding Area
Naum Trajanovski: The Rescue of the Macedonian Jews During World War II: Between Collective Agency and Individual Stories
Jolanta Sujecka: Jewish Sites of Memory in Europe: Transnational, National or Local Memory ? (Sofia, Kielce and Warsaw)

Discussion and Summing up of the Panel – 4:25 – 5:00 p.m. 

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