[es] Hydraulic policy and agricultural colonies in 19th century Spain: the proposed interior colonisation of the Aragonese Joaquín Costa
José María Alagón Laste [es] Democratic weakness and political violence. The case of the Spanish spring in 1936: individuals and incentives
Manuel Álvarez Tardío [es] The nationalisation of the monarchy in Spanish liberal constitutionalism through royal travels: from Ferdinand VII to Alfonso XIII
Margarita Barral Martínez [es] The fatal hill. The battle of La Albuera told by the British participants
Charles J. Esdaile [es] The International City of Tangier between history and memory: The case of the Italian community
Federica Ferrero y Antonio M. Morone [es] “Without Africa, I can hardly explain myself”: the arrival of Lt. Francisco Franco to the Regular Indigenous Forces of Melilla
Pablo de la Fuente de Pablo [es] Contributions on the diffusion of Humanism in the Golden Age: the social reception of Medicine
Gonzalo Gómez García [es] Disquiet and political commitment. The military at the beginning of the Spanish War of Independence (Peninsular War)
Emilio La Parra López [es] The establishment of the liberalism in Navarre (1808-1836)
Francisco Miranda Rubio [es] The Geographical relations in the 16th century. Changes in agriculture in New Spain half a century after the conquest
Julián Montemayor [es] A history of Spain and bullfighting: a dialogic relation (1874-1898)
Simone Tepedino
José María Alagón Laste [es] Democratic weakness and political violence. The case of the Spanish spring in 1936: individuals and incentives
Manuel Álvarez Tardío [es] The nationalisation of the monarchy in Spanish liberal constitutionalism through royal travels: from Ferdinand VII to Alfonso XIII
Margarita Barral Martínez [es] The fatal hill. The battle of La Albuera told by the British participants
Charles J. Esdaile [es] The International City of Tangier between history and memory: The case of the Italian community
Federica Ferrero y Antonio M. Morone [es] “Without Africa, I can hardly explain myself”: the arrival of Lt. Francisco Franco to the Regular Indigenous Forces of Melilla
Pablo de la Fuente de Pablo [es] Contributions on the diffusion of Humanism in the Golden Age: the social reception of Medicine
Gonzalo Gómez García [es] Disquiet and political commitment. The military at the beginning of the Spanish War of Independence (Peninsular War)
Emilio La Parra López [es] The establishment of the liberalism in Navarre (1808-1836)
Francisco Miranda Rubio [es] The Geographical relations in the 16th century. Changes in agriculture in New Spain half a century after the conquest
Julián Montemayor [es] A history of Spain and bullfighting: a dialogic relation (1874-1898)
Simone Tepedino
Book Reviews
[es] Studia Historica in Honorem Prof. José Luis Gómez Urdáñez, eds. Cristina González Caizán y Pedro Luis Lorenzo Cadarso, Universidad de La Rioja, Servicio de Publicaciones, Logroño 2023, 423 pp.
Rosario Die Maculet [es] Jean-René Aymes, Luchar, sobrevivir o disfrutar. Los emigrados españoles en Francia (1814-1833). Liberales, realistas y «agraviados», Legardeta (Navarra) 2023, 3 vols, 1439 pp.
Manuel Morán Orti
Rosario Die Maculet [es] Jean-René Aymes, Luchar, sobrevivir o disfrutar. Los emigrados españoles en Francia (1814-1833). Liberales, realistas y «agraviados», Legardeta (Navarra) 2023, 3 vols, 1439 pp.
Manuel Morán Orti
Volume 3 PDF