The iron mines in the history of Torre de Moncorvo

Adília Fernandes
Centre for Transdisciplinary Research on Culture, Space and Memory
University of Porto

ORCID: 0000-0002-9246-7745

Published: 23/09/2022


ABSTRACT: Torre de Moncorvo presents a landscape and a history marked by the mining of iron ore, of which the highest concentration is in the Roboredo Sierra. Its vestiges can be seen in the toponyms (according to some authors) related to the presence of blacksmiths and their protective deity, the crow, as well as the chapels with mining invocations constructed from slag. Torre de Moncorvo’s mining history ends at the end of the 20th century, with the extinction of its’ Iron Ore Project. This was followed by the closure of the National Steelworks and the government’s requests for the integration of Portugal into the European Community. For the period between the beginning and end of mining activities in Torre de Moncorvo, the multigenerational experience permeates the cultural and cognitive appreciation of metallurgical issues and the development of technologies. After a long period of inactivity, the prospect of reactivating the mines is expected.

KEYWORDS: iron mines, mining industry, Torre de Moncorvo, Roboredo Sierra, history.