Poland and Spain through the centuries

Jan Kieniewicz
Faculty of “Artes Liberales”
University of Warsaw

ORCID: 0000-0002-3580-9112

Published: 23/09/2022

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31338/ahi.2022.1.5

ABSTRACT: In looking at Poland and Spain’s histories, two countries so distant and so different, one can see sense in treating them jointly. In Poland, the tradition to allude to the history of Spain dates back two hundred years; on the other hand, the same has not been reciprocated by Spaniards. Due to this, I considered the juxtaposition of the history of Poland and Spain, exclusively within the framework of the reflection on Europe, justified. Therefore, this paper aims to demonstrate how these two countries participated in the formation of Europe and how their presence in times of greatness and the epoch of decadence was characterised by their importance in European history. Hopefully, this will deepen their mutual understanding of the identity between Poles and Spaniards.

KEYWORDS: civilisation, national identity, dialogue, Europe, Spain, Poland.