Letters addressed to Sofía Casanova, deposited at the Central Archives of Historical Records (AGAD) in Warsaw
María Rosario Martínez Martínez
Published: 23/09/2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.31338/ahi.2022.1.10
ABSTRACT: This article intends to present and contextualize letters addressed to Sofia Casanova, written by relevant personalities linked to the Spanish Monarchy, such as, for example, the Infanta Paz de Borbón, sister of King Alfonso XII, the Duchess de la Conquista, main lady-in-waiting of Queen María Cristina, or the Count of Andino, private secretary of Alfonso XIII. This legacy of documents is a remarkable testimony of the excellent relations between the Spanish Royal Household and the writer that would influence her private life and her work as a correspondent for the “ABC” Spanish newspaper. This correspondence, which can be consulted in the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, and which has been fully transcribed in this article, has remained unpublished until now.
KEYWORDS: Sofía Casanova, epistolary, Spanish monarchy, Poland, Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw.