Jan Kieniewicz
[por] The iron mines in the history of Torre de Moncorvo
Adília Fernandes [es] Politics in Enlightened Spain during the 18th century: a new historiographic direction
José Luis Gómez Urdáñez [por] The anti-Jesuit climate in Portugal and the causes of expulsion
Miguel Maria Santos Corrêa Monteiro [por] Iberian monarchy and property: the influence of Fermín Caballero in the Portuguese land framework (1872-1900)
Teresa Nunes
Adília Fernandes [es] Politics in Enlightened Spain during the 18th century: a new historiographic direction
José Luis Gómez Urdáñez [por] The anti-Jesuit climate in Portugal and the causes of expulsion
Miguel Maria Santos Corrêa Monteiro [por] Iberian monarchy and property: the influence of Fermín Caballero in the Portuguese land framework (1872-1900)
Teresa Nunes
[es] Poland and Spain through the centuries
Jan Kieniewicz [es] The structure of Spanish politics during Isabella II’s reign (1833-1868)
Germán Rueda Hernanz [es] Poland in the 19th century; in search of its place in Europe and in the world
Tomasz Kizwalter [es] The search for internal order: Spain, 1789-1898
Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal [es] Spain and Poland in the Contemporary Age (1789-1918): similarity of purpose in contrasting circumstances. Notes on the First „Spanish-Polish Meeting” at the Faculty of „Liberal Arts” of the University of Warsaw.
Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama
Jan Kieniewicz [es] The structure of Spanish politics during Isabella II’s reign (1833-1868)
Germán Rueda Hernanz [es] Poland in the 19th century; in search of its place in Europe and in the world
Tomasz Kizwalter [es] The search for internal order: Spain, 1789-1898
Antonio Manuel Moral Roncal [es] Spain and Poland in the Contemporary Age (1789-1918): similarity of purpose in contrasting circumstances. Notes on the First „Spanish-Polish Meeting” at the Faculty of „Liberal Arts” of the University of Warsaw.
Francisco Javier Sanabria Valderrama
Documents, Sources and Memoirs
[es] Letters addressed to Sofía Casanova, deposited at the Central Archives of Historical Records (AGAD) in Warsaw
María Rosario Martínez Martínez [es] Impressions from Poland in 1978
Jesús Maroto de las Heras
María Rosario Martínez Martínez [es] Impressions from Poland in 1978
Jesús Maroto de las Heras
Book Reviews
[es] Cartas latinas en la época de los Jagellones. Años 1519-1572. Coordinadores: Jan Kieniewicz, Alfredo Alvar Ezquerra, Cristina González Caizán, Matylda Urjasz-Raczko, Miguel Conde Pazos; traductores: Horacio Silvestre Landrobe, Ana Concha González; Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación, Instituto Polaco de Cultura en Madrid, Facultad de «Artes Liberales» de la Universidad de Varsovia, Madrid 2020, 250 pp.
Gonzalo Gómez García [es] José Luis Gómez Urdáñez, Víctimas del absolutismo. Paradojas del poder en la España del siglo XVIII, prólogo de Carlos Martínez Shaw, Punto de Vista Editores, Madrid 2020, 385 pp.
Cristina González Caizán
Gonzalo Gómez García [es] José Luis Gómez Urdáñez, Víctimas del absolutismo. Paradojas del poder en la España del siglo XVIII, prólogo de Carlos Martínez Shaw, Punto de Vista Editores, Madrid 2020, 385 pp.
Cristina González Caizán
[es] The Spanish-Polish Encounters (2018-2021)
Cristina González Caizán [es] Ibero-American Essay Prize in Poland. Second edition
Cristina González Caizán [por] Meeting of Poles with Portugal in the shadow of World War II
Justyna Haftka [es] From “Tobo” to “Lobo”: the arrest and captivity of Józef Łobodowski in Figueras
Klaudia Konieczna
Cristina González Caizán [es] Ibero-American Essay Prize in Poland. Second edition
Cristina González Caizán [por] Meeting of Poles with Portugal in the shadow of World War II
Justyna Haftka [es] From “Tobo” to “Lobo”: the arrest and captivity of Józef Łobodowski in Figueras
Klaudia Konieczna
Volume 1 PDF