Submission Preparation Checklist

Ensure that your manuscript meets the thematic and chronological requirements of “Anuario Histórico Ibérico. Anuário Histórico Ibérico” (AHI).

Authors are requested to edit the manuscript according to AHI’s formatting requirements. Authors will be requested to provide properly prepared files if formatting differs from the one described on the journal web page.

Illustrations are not allowed.

Manuscripts should be submitted only by e-mail at:

Formatting requirements

Contributions are expected to be in Spanish or Portuguese, exceptionally manuscripts in English or French could be accepted.

Article structure and formatting
The manuscript should be provided in .doc or .docx with an RTF format using a word processor.

The article must have a title consisting of a maximum of two sentences followed by an abstract (between 900 and 1200 characters with spaces, 12-point font) in Spanish or Portuguese and English and 5-7 keywords in Spanish or Portuguese and English.

The total length of the article cannot exceed 80,000 characters with spaces, including footnotes and references. Please do not use any automatic formatting except for the footnotes.

The first name(s) and surname(s), affiliation, ORCID number, and article title should be provided on the title page. This information should not be submitted with capital letters.

The main body:
– A4 page,
– all margins 2.5 c,
– single-spaced lines,
-12-point size.
– Times New Roman,
– 10-point size font,
– double space between paragraphs and headlines.

Headings of sections and subsections in the main text should be in bold.

Quotations should be placed in the text, using the signs (« ») for articles in Spanish and (“ ”) for articles in Portuguese. Citations longer than four lines should be set apart with an indentation of 1.25 and 13.5 and without the signs (« ») or (“ ”). Omissions in citations are marked as “(…)”.

Footnotes (not endnotes) with bibliographical references appearing for the first time in the text:

Spanish version
M. Ordoñez, La España del siglo XVIII, t. 1, Barcelona 1974.
J. Castillo, «La escritura de origen transpirenaico. Primera aproximación», Hispania Sacra, vol. 50, núm. 93, 1994, pp. 33-64.
P. Rodríguez, Sol y luna, ABC, Madrid, 20 de junio de 1946, p. 7.
P. Aries, «La historia de las mentalidades», en: La nueva historia, ed. J. Le Goff, Bilbao 1988, pp. 460-481.
M. A. Ardit Lucas, «Recaudación y fraude diezmal en el siglo XVIII valenciano», en: Estructuras agrarias y reformismo ilustrado en la España del siglo XVIII, coord. J.
L. Mondragón Reina, Madrid 1989, pp. 391-410.
Historia de Cataluña, ed. A. López Ruiz, Madrid 2000.

Portuguese version
H. de Campos Ferreira Lima, Relações entre Portugal e a Polónia, t. 1, 2.a ed., Vila Nova de Famalicão 1936.
H. de Campos Ferreira Lima, “Um sacerdote polaco no Porto, em 1865”, O Tripeiro, 5.a série, ano 4.o, n.o 1, junho 1948, pp. 33–35.
A. d’Ornellas, Chronicas de guerra. Os Polacos, Diario Nacional, Lisboa 29 de Setembro de 1918, p. 1.
E.M. Milewska, “As literaturas de expressão portuguesa na Polónia (sua divulgação e recepção crítica até 1992)”, in Percepción y recepción. Polonia – la Península Ibérica – Latinoamérica, ed. A. Kowalski, Warszawa 1994, pp. 72–99.

If the subsequent citation is in the footnote following the full citation, the initial of the author’s name(s) and surname(s), the first words of the work or the article should be indicated if more works by the same author are cited. Expressions such as “op. cit.” (in case of citing only one work of an author in the article, for example: M. A. Ardit Lucas, op. cit., pp. 391-410), “eadem”, “idem”, “ibidem”, “passim”, etc. will be used.

In the case of the archives, the abbreviations of their names and collections (if they are long) should be used, which will appear in the bibliography.

The names of the archives, collections and files (folders, dossiers, etc.) must appear in their original language.

A complete alphabetical list of references used in the text should appear at the end of the article according to the following sections: Archives, Printed Sources, Press, and Studies, including online materials, with full names. For example:

Spanish version
Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid (= AHN), Estado, exp. 23 (in the footnotes of the main text: AHN, Estado, exp. 23).
Pedro Andrés, La guerra de Sifni, ABC, Madrid, 20 de junio de 1946, p. 7.
Historia de Cataluña, ed. Ana López Ruiz, 3ª ed. Madrid 2000.
Manuela Ordoñez, La España del siglo XVIII, t. 3, Barcelona 1974.

Portuguese versión
Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisboa (= ANTT), Arquivo de Luís Teixeira de Sampaio, cota EPJS/SF/006/01860 (in the footnotes of the main text: ANTT, ALTS, cota EPJS/SF/006/01860).
Henrique de Campos Ferreira Lima, Relações entre Portugal e a Polónia, t. 1, 2.a ed., Vila Nova de Famalicão 1936.
Henrique de Campos Ferreira Lima, “Um sacerdote polaco no Porto, em 1865”, O Tripeiro, 5.a série, ano 4.o, n.o 1, junho 1948, pp. 33–35.
A. d’Ornellas, Chronicas de guerra. Os Polacos, Diario Nacional, Lisboa 29 de Setembro de 1918, p. 1.
Elżbieta Maria Milewska, “As literaturas de expressão portuguesa na Polónia (sua divulgação e recepção crítica até 1992)”, in Percepción y recepción. Polonia – la Península Ibérica – Latinoamérica, ed. Andrzej Kowalski, Warszawa 1994, pp. 72–99.

For any editorial questions, you can also contact us via e-mail: