If the Editors are made aware of an allegation of misconduct related to the published material, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, https://publicationethics.org/guidance) guidelines will be followed.

Editors encourage Authors, Reviewers and Readers to contact the Editorial Office via email, phone, or post in the case of any suspicion of misconduct, such as (but not limited to) plagiarism, data falsification, figures/tables/citation manipulation or reuse without proper consent, unethical AI usage, authorship, and contribution problems. Allegations brought to the Editors’ or Publisher’s attention (pre- and post-publication) will result in specific-to-case measures implemented according to the COPE guidelines.

Editors, together with the Publisher, will undertake an investigation in order to verify the allegations. The outcomes of the procedure will be communicated to the sender, the subject of the allegations and the appropriate institutions. In the case of false allegations, the results will also be communicated to all parties involved, including the institution and managers of the whistle-blower.

Editor, Author and Reviewer Roles:

The Journal follows the COPE Code of Conduct in defining roles and duties, as well as Recommendations for Promoting Integrity in Scientific Journal Publications specified by the Council of Science Editors (CSE, https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/).

Roles and Responsibilities of the Editors:

− The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) is appointed by the University of Warsaw. It is the EiC’s obligation to appoint a Deputy Editor and other staff needed for the Journal’s functioning.

− Editors are accountable for all the content published in the Journal.

− They are responsible for monitoring and ensuring fairness, timeliness, thoroughness, and civility in peer-review and editorial processes.

− They maintain the integrity of the academic record of the published material.

− They are responsible for making unbiased decisions.

− They follow the COPE guidelines (https://publicationethics.org/sites/default/files/editorial-board-participation-cope-guideline.pdf) when appointing new members of the Editorial Office for a 5-year term. The term may be reduced due to a member’s biased or unethical behaviour.

– They define and execute the Journal’s policy and handle complaints and misconduct.

– They disclose any conflicts of interest, should they emerge.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Authors:

The Journal follows the CSE guidelines (https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/2-2-authorship-and-authorship-responsibilities) that define the Authors’ roles. The Author-Editor relationship is founded on confidentiality.

− The Corresponding Author is responsible for managing all queries and communication between the Journal and the Authors, including making corrections, providing feedback, and providing necessary permissions.

− Authors provide a statement confirming the originality of the submitted study.

− They disclose the originality of the content, their actual contribution to the study, conflict of interest, and funding.

− They follow the Journal’s or the Publisher’s guidelines concerning the reuse of any copyrighted material and provide the material’s proper attribution. This includes the Author’s own work as well.
− They should be aware of any data-sharing responsibilities required by the funding agencies (please see the Journal’s policy on data-sharing).

− In the case of research involving humans, confidential materials and any other information protected by legal regulations, Authors must provide appropriate consent and permissions.

Roles and Responsibilities of the Reviewers:

The Journal follows the CSE guidelines (https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/2-3-reviewer-roles-and-responsibilities#One) concerning the Reviewers’ roles and responsibilities:

Responsibilities toward the Authors:
– Reviewers keep in confidence the details concerning the review process.
– They provide written, unbiased, and constructive feedback in a timely manner.
– They comment on the originality, accuracy, relevance, and linguistic competence of the article.

Responsibilities toward the Editors:
– Reviewers reply promptly to invitations.
– They disclose any conflict of interest, ethical concerns, bias, plagiarism, or other
misconduct discovered.
– They provide constructive criticism.
– They indicate the ways to improve the manuscript.

Responsibilities toward the Readers:
– Reviewers ensure that the presented research can be validated by the methods and
analyses described in the manuscript.
– They ensure that the cited works are relevant and up to date.

1.1 Authorship and Contributorship


The Journal follows the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html) guidelines. It defines the Author as a person who has made a significant intellectual contribution to the study, drafted or reviewed it critically for important intellectual content, given the final approval of the article to be published and is accountable for all aspects of the work related to the accuracy and integrity of any part of the work. One has to meet all four criteria to be defined as an Author.

The Corresponding Author confirms that all the individuals listed as Authors have contributed significantly to the research presented in the submitted article. The Corresponding Author also confirms that all individuals listed as Authors have contributed to the entire manuscript.


Individuals not meeting all four authorship criteria cannot be listed as Authors. A proper acknowledgement of their input should be provided in the manuscript, as per the ICMJE guidelines (https://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html).
Such individuals may be responsible for:
a) the acquisition of funding,
b) general supervision of a research group or general administrative support,
c) writing assistance,
d) technical editing,
e) language editing,
f) proofreading.

In the case of individuals who have contributed unequally to the work, the Editors recommend that detailed information on their contribution be provided.

The Journal strongly supports the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT, https://credit.niso.org/) when describing each Contributor’s role. More information on CRediT can be found at:

Changes to Authorship

If the Authors request that an Author be removed or added after the manuscript has been submitted or published, they e-mail an explanation of the requested change and a signed agreement from all the listed Authors, including the Author to be removed or added.

Changes to Authorship are allowed only before the acceptance of the manuscript and only if approved by the Editor.

The Editor may agree to introduce changes to the Authorship. This includes name changes, addition, removal, or rearrangement of the Authors after the article has been accepted for publication. Such requests will result in a suspension of the manuscript until the issue is resolved. In the case of an already published material, a corrigendum is released.

AI Authorship

Upon submission of an article, the Journal requires the Authors to disclose whether they have used artificial intelligence AI-assisted technologies (such as Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots, or image creators). The Authors who have used such technology specify the details of such usage in the cover letter or within the submitted work.

The use of AI for writing assistance should be disclosed in the acknowledgement section.

Unaccepted Authorship

Three types of authorship are considered unacceptable:
a) Ghost authors who contribute substantially but are not acknowledged.
b) Guest authors who make no discernible contributions.
c) Gift authors whose contribution is based solely on a tenuous affiliation with a study.

The Journal follows the definitions of inappropriate authorship as specified by the Council of Science Editors: https://www.councilscienceeditors.org/2-2-authorship-and-authorship-responsibilities

1.2 Complaints and Appeals

Apart from misconduct allegations, Editors encourage Authors, Reviewers, Readers, and other individuals to contact the EiC, Editors, Editorial Office, Editorial Board Members or the Publisher in the case of complaints against the Journal, its staff, the Editorial Board, Publisher, or Reviewers.

Individuals wishing to raise a concern or make a complaint may email anuariohistoricoiberico@al.uw.edu.pl or call 00-48-228282875 int. 152. The appropriate party will investigate whether the correct procedures have been followed. The complainant will be notified in writing about the outcome.

Complaints may concern editorial decisions, published articles, the review procedure, delays, unethical behaviour, and any other activity the complainant sees as important.
If the complainant wishes to pursue the complaint further, they may contact COPE directly. The procedure is available at: https://publicationethics.org/facilitation-and-integrity-subcommittee

1.3 Conflicts of Interest / Competing Interests

All Authors must disclose any conflict of interest defined as a financial or personal relation with other individuals or organizations, activities or positions that can bias the submitted article. Such conflict includes but is not limited to familial kinship, employment, consulting services, honoraria, and funding.

Conflict of interest also refers to any of the above-mentioned relations between Authors and the Journal’s Editors, Editorial Office, Editorial Board, Reviewers, and the Publisher.

Authors are advised to disclose any potential conflict of interest before submitting the manuscript or during the editorial procedure. The Journal will also acknowledge the post-publication disclosure.

Competing interests among the Journal staff, including Editors, the Editorial Office, the Editorial Board and the Publisher, will be disclosed on the Journal’s website, if applicable.

Reviewers are advised to disclose any potential conflict of interest when they agree to review a manuscript or, if not yet known, after the publication.

If a concern about a conflict of interest is made, the manuscript will be assigned to a different Editor or Reviewer.

In the case of an acknowledged conflict of interest, the review procedures and the editorial decisions will be made independently of the disclosed information, based solely on the quality of the manuscript.

More information can be found in the Description of the Review Process section.

1.4 Data and Reproducibility

Research data typically refers to digital, machine-readable files and can be defined as the results of experiments and observations that validate the research. The Journal encourages Authors to post their data in standard formats that others can access and reuse.

The Journal follows the Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets (FAIR, https://www.go-fair.org/fair-principles/) principles. It supports data integrity and encourages Authors to share the data associated with their research and any other information that supports it. The Journal also encourages Authors to share their data on social media, repositories, and personal and institutional websites.

The Journal supports the TRUST principles for digital repositories (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-0486-7) and encourages Authors to place the data in one of the repositories listed in OpenDOAR (https://v2.sherpa.ac.uk/opendoar/). Authors should also follow institutional and, if applicable, the funding body’s guidelines when choosing the platform to share their data.

Authors are also encouraged to cite the data in their manuscript or indicate how to access the data by providing the DOI or access number.

The Journal encourages Authors to share the VoR (Version of Record), the AAM (Author Accepted Manuscript), and the data associated with the research.

The Journal encourages Authors to consult https://www.howcanishareit.com/ to determine how the published article can be shared.

1.5 Ethical Oversight

Authors, Editors, Publishers, and Readers adhere to the publishing ethics described herein on the Journal page.

The Journal encourages reports on any unethical practices such as, but not limited to, fabrication of data/research/figures/tables, plagiarism, authorship falsification, duplicate publication, peer review manipulation, concealment of conflict of interest, paper mill publication, and others.

Upon submission, the Corresponding Author has to receive the approval form from all the Authors. The forms must be available upon request to the Journal’s Editors and include all the necessary consents to using third-party materials. Consent must also be obtained for research on human beings, managing confidential data, and ethical nosiness/marketing practices.

If any concerns arise, Editors will follow the COPE guidelines.

1.6 Intellectual Property


All Authors are required to accept the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL) terms and conditions. The Corresponding Author provides a signed agreement upon submission/after acceptance.

By submitting the manuscript, the Corresponding Author, also on behalf of all the Authors, agrees that:
– the work is original,
– it has not previously been published and is not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere,
– all copyrighted material (e.g., block quotations or extracts) is appropriately acknowledged, and the Author has obtained permission to use it.

The Journal is published in an Open Access model, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 PL (CC BY 3.0 PL), which allows for redistribution, reuse, and adaptation with attribution to the Authors.

Reviewers, Editors, Editorial Board, Publisher

The Journal treats submissions as confidential during the entire editorial process until the manuscript is published. All individuals involved in the process, including Reviewers, proceed with adequate caution, most importantly to ensure that the manuscript or any of its parts are not disclosed, stolen or plagiarised. This also refers to instances of stealing research ideas.

Any allegations of theft or plagiarism must be substantiated and will be adequately investigated.

CC License

The Journal publishes under the CC BY 3.0 PL license (Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 PL license) (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/pl/legalcode) that allows to share and adapt the contents of the published material with appropriate attribution to the authors.

Sharing is defined as copying or redistributing the article or its parts through any medium and format for any purpose.

Adapting is defined as remixing, transforming, and building upon the published material for any purpose.

Users can freely access and use the published articles only when appropriate credit is given to the original publication and on the condition that they will not apply any legal terms or technological measures to restrict others from doing anything the license permits.

Authors grant the Journal a non-exclusive licence to publish their articles.

If Authors are not permitted to retain the copyrights to the manuscript, they should contact the Editorial Office before submission.


The Journal is published using an Open Access model. All published materials are freely and permanently available online immediately upon publication, without any charges (subscription, pay-per-view, etc.) or registration barriers.

There is no fee for Authors to publish their manuscripts. The Journal does not charge an Article Processing Charge (APC), submission fees, editing process fees or page charges.

Readers are free to read and use the published materials as per the CC BY regulations.

The Authors will receive the final version of the article in PDF format. All articles published have Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and are available free of charge on the journal website.

Plagiarism, Duplicate Publication, and Fabrication

Only original work can be submitted. All quotations need to be appropriately indicated and referenced.

Any unacknowledged copying of large chunks of text, misattributing the original authorship (including ideas, arguments, and results), will be treated as plagiarism. According to the Office of Research Integrity, such practices include, but are not limited to, theft or misappropriation of intellectual property and a substantial unattributed textual copying of another’s work: https://ori.hhs.gov/ori-policy-plagiarism

When paraphrasing or summarising publications by others, Authors have to proceed with due care.

Text recycling is prohibited and will be treated as self-plagiarism (as per COPE guidelines: “sections of the same text appearing in more than one of an author’s own publications”).

Duplicate/redundant publication occurs “when an author intentionally or unintentionally republishes his or her work without informing the editor of the previous publication (…) and refers to the publication of an article’s content, which has substantial overlaps with one΄s paper already published in print or electronically.” without proper references. (F. A. Habibzadeh and M. Winker, “Duplicate Publication and Plagiarism: Causes and Cures.” Notfall Rettungsmed 12, (2009), 415–418. DOI:10.1007/s10049-009-1229-7).

The Journal is part of the Similarity Check service (https://www.crossref.org/services/similarity-check/) and uses an anti-plagiarism tool (iThenticate) to verify the originality of the submitted manuscripts. In the event of a plagiarism detection, the Editors will immediately reject the manuscript, and they may, depending on the case, take further steps according to the COPE guidelines.

Already published articles will be retracted or marked as plagiarised.


Any fragment of work which has been already copyrighted to a third party, published, posted or reposited in the form that has been submitted to the Journal will be considered as pre-publication and consequently will not be published.

1.7. Post-publication


The Journal supports post-publication debates regarding the published articles. Readers can submit their concerns, opinions, criticism, or letters of support. The Journal has the right to peer review the criticism, the response to criticism and to publish the discussion.

The discussions can also be held on third-party moderated platforms, such as PubPeer.

As the Journal follows the COPE guidelines, the Editors require that criticism should:
– be reasonable,
– not contain libellous or defamatory content,
– have evidence or data that support the claims.

Readers can express their concerns regarding the published material. The concerns should be sent via email at anuariohistoricoiberico@al.uw.edu.pl

Depending on the nature of the concern and the outcomes of an investigation, the Journal may publish:
– an addendum (significant information disclosed after the publication that enhances the
readers’ understanding of the article),
– Editor’s note (to inform that an investigation has been started),
– editorial expression of concern (to alert the readers about serious concerns),
– correction,
– retraction,
– corrigendum.

In the above instances, the Journal follows the COPE guidelines:


If an Author notices a mistake after the article has been published, they are requested to contact the Editorial Office at anuariohistoricoiberico@al.uw.edu.pl Depending on the nature of the error, the Editorial Office will investigate the case and decide whether an erratum or corrigendum needs to be published. Only for substantial errors will the procedure of corrections will be taken. Reports on mistakes in punctuation, mistakes not influencing the meaning of the paper or not affecting the scientific integrity of the paper will not be processed.


The Journal follows the COPE guidelines (https://publicationethics.org/node/19896) with regard to the retraction process. An article will be immediately retracted if:
− It constitutes plagiarism,
− The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the Editor, permission to republish, or justification (i.e. cases of redundant publication),
− It contains material or data without authorisation for use,
− Copyrights have been violated or there is some other serious legal issue (e.g., libel, privacy),
− It contains unethical research,
− It has been published solely based on a compromised or manipulated peer review process,
− The Author(s) failed to disclose a major competing interest that, in the view of the Editors, would have unduly affected interpretations of the work or recommendations by Editors and peer Reviewers.

An appropriate retraction note will be published as an individual statement, separate from the article’s contents, and within the article on the first page of the online version.

Article Removal

The Journal will not remove any published material unless it gravely violates the law. In such cases, retraction is insufficient since the article may be subject to a court order or pose a hazard to human beings.

In such cases, the body of the article will be removed, and only the metadata (the authors’ names) will be retained. This will be followed by a statement explaining the removal due to legal reasons.

Changes to Authorship

For information concerning changes to the names of Authors, the order of listing, the affiliations, etc., see the section Authorship and Contributorship – Changes to Authorship.