The establishment of the liberalism in Navarre (1808-1836)

Francisco Miranda Rubio
Faculty of Human Sciences
Public University of Navarra

Published: 21/12/2024


ABSTRACT: This article explores the long journey to introducing liberalism in Navarre, considering the political changes and armed conflicts of the time. The first liberal reforms took place during the War of Independence (Peninsular War); however, this lasted only for a short period of time and without roots. It was during the Liberal Triennium 1820-1823 that los fueros were rejected and liberal institutions introduced. During the following decade, 1823-1833, relationships between Madrid and Navarre remained complex, and Navarre was able to maintain its kingdom status. However, when Ferdinand VII died, the absolute monarchy and the statutory regime of Navarre were both ruined. During 1834-1836, the institutions of the Kingdom of Navarra were suppressed by other liberal ones. The presence of liberalism in Navarra was greater than previously thought, judging by the number of men who enlisted in the National Militia, more than four thousand, a considerable number if we consider the Navarrese population.

KEYWORDS: liberalism, absolute monarchy, constitutionalism, Kingdom of Navarre, Constitution of 1812, Royal Statute, Liberal Triennium.