Centrum Badania Ryzyka Systemowego serdecznie zaprasza na wykład Ellen Pearlman pt. Algorithms, Memory and Biases in AI Art.
Spotkanie (w języku angielskim) odbędzie się w piątek 14 kwietnia 2023 r. o godz. 13:00 w sali konferencyjnej Centrum, w budynku BUW, ul. Dobra 56/66, 2 piętro, pok. 2.90 (wjazd windami z hallu BUW przy stoisku z plakatami).
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Ellen Pearlman
I am a New York based new media artist, curator, critic and educator, and a Fulbright Scholar at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Warsaw, Poland. I have also been a Fulbright Specialist in New Media, Art and Technology in Latvia and at the Polish Japanese Academy of Computer Information in Warsaw; a Research Fellow at MIT; and a Senior Research Assistant Professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia. I have been a Zero1 American Arts Incubator/U.S. State Department Artist to Kyiv, Ukraine, and a Vertigo STARTS Laureate (EU). I received my doctorate from the School of Creative Media, Hong Kong City University where her PhD thesis received Highest Global Honors from Leonardo LABS Abstracts. I am also the founder and Director of ThoughtWorks Arts, a global technology research lab. I created “Noor: A Brainwave Opera” and “AIBO – An Emotionally Intelligent Artificial Intelligence Brainwave Opera”. Currently, I am working on “Language Is Leaving Me, An Opera Of The Skin” that explores AI, Computer Vision, and epigenetic trauma of cultures of diaspora.