
Assistant professor at the Faculty of „Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw. He holds an M.A. in Cultural Studies – Mediterranean Civilisation (Faculty of “AL”, UW) and a postgraduate diploma in “The challenges of contemporary literature for children and youth” (UW). He is the secretary of the Laboratory for Semiotics (Faculty of “AL”, UW), a collaborator of the Centre for Research on Children’s and Young Adult Literature (University of Wrocław) and a member of the European Children’s Literature Research Network. He is a co-initiator of Grow (with Rosalyn Borst and Chiara Malpezzi), an initiative that aims at stimulating transnational dialogue and collaboration among young scholars of children’s literature.

He was the principal investigator of research projects „Dziecięca książka informacyjna w XXI wieku: tendencje – metody badań – modele lektury” [Informational Children’s Book in the 21st Century: Trends – Research methods – Models of reading] (Preludium NCN, 2021–2024) and „Oczami dziecka. Zagłada w polskiej literaturze dziecięcej i młodzieżowej po roku 1989” [Through the Eyes of a Child. The Holocaust in Polish Children’s and Young Adult Literature after 1989] („Diamentowy Grant” MNiSW, 2016–2020). He received the scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists, the Foundation for Polish Science START scholarship, and the Internationale Jugendbibliothek in Munich fellowship (twice). He is interested in children’s and YA culture and reception of classical antiquity. He also reviews children’s literature for “Kultura Liberalna.”

Research Projects, Fellowships, and Awards:
Project Dziecięca książka informacyjna w XXI wieku: tendencje – metody badań – modele lektury [Informational Children’s Book in the 21st Century: Trends – Research methods – Models of reading] (mentor: prof. UWr Dorota Michułka), Preludium NCN, PI.
Project Our Mythical Childhood… The Reception of Classical Antiquity in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture in Response to Regional and Global Challenges, ERC Consolidator Grant, PI: prof. Katarzyna Marciniak, participant.
Project Oczami dziecka. Zagłada w polskiej literaturze dziecięcej i młodzieżowej po roku 1989 [Through the Eyes of a Child. The Holocaust in Polish Children’s and Young Adult Literature after 1989] (mentor: prof. Grzegorz Leszczyński), „Diamentowy Grant” MNiSW, PI.
Honourable mention in the 7th Majer Bałaban Contest for the best MA and PhD thesis on the Jews and Israel organised by the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute (master thesis Dzieciństwo w labiryncie getta. Recepcja mitu labiryntu w polskiej literaturze dziecięcej o Zagładzie written under supervision of prof. Katarzyna Marciniak).
International Youth Library in Munich Fellow.
Project Chasing Mythical Beasts… The Reception of Graeco-Roman Mythology in Children’s and Young Adults’ Culture as a Transformation Marker (2014–2017), Humboldt Alumni Award for Innovative Networking Initiatives, PI: prof. Katarzyna Marciniak, participant.


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