Jednostka: Kolegium Artes Liberales

Tymowski Andrzej W.

Bio Raised and educated in the United States [Born in Germany after WWII, emigrated to USA in 1950] B.A. Classics (Honors Program) at John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, 1968 M.A. Philosophy at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, 1972 M.A. International Relations, Yale University, New Haven Connecticut, 1988 Ph.D. Political Science, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 1995 Social movement activity [Among others, anti-Vietnam War protests, the Catholic Worker, the Industrial Workers of the World, and organizing support for Solidarność in the USA] Related publications The Strike in Gdansk, 1981, and Solidarity under Siege 1983, self-published “Le Syndicate ‘Solidarite,‘”  L’Arc, Paris, 1984...

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Choptiany Michał

USOS Academia Bio He graduated in Polish philology from the Faculty of Polish Studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków as part of the Interfaculty Individual Studies in the Humanities (MISH), where he studied also philosophy. In 2013, he obtained his doctorate in literary studies on the basis of a dissertation devoted to Pierre de la Ramée’s rhetorical theory and its reception in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He has been awarded START scholarship by the Foundation for Polish Science and the scholarships of Minister of Science and Higher Education. He joined the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” in 2013 as National...

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Stobiecka Monika

USOS Academia Bio Monika Stobiecka holds a PhD from the Faculty of „Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, Poland. She received MA in History of Art (specialization: modern art) and MA in Archaeology (specialization: museum studies and popularization of archaeology) from the University of Warsaw. She was granted scholarships by the Lanckoroński from Brzeź Foundation in 2016, the Kościuszko Foundation in 2018, the Foundation for Polish Science in 2019 (START scholarship for the best young researchers from Poland). Monika was awarded with the Jan Józef Lipski award in 2015 (for her MA in art history), the Szczęsny Dettloff award in 2019...

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Wojtas Paweł

Bio Paweł Wojtas is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw. He completed his MLitt degree in English Studies at the University of Stirling (2008), and PhD at the University of Warsaw (2012). He acted as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of York (2018) and a visiting scholar at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin (2022). He has published on modern and contemporary English transnational literature. He is currently researching literary representations of disability as well as links between fiction and therapy in contemporary English and related literature. Author...

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Rabiej Stanisław

USOS Bio Clergyman of the Roman Catholic Church; Professor of theology. Studies: Catholic University of Lublin (1985-1989); Sorbonne – Paris IV (1991-1994); “Tantur” – Ecumenical Institute in Jerusalem (1995-1996). Doctorate in theology at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Lublin in 1989. Habilitation thesis in theology at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (1998). The title of professor of theological sciences in 2004. Interests: He specializes in theological sciences: theological anthropology, dogmatic theology, ecumenism, intercultural dialogue. Places of work: University of Opole, Faculty of Theology, Institute of Theological Sciences, University of Warsaw, Faculty of “Artes Liberales”....

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Lewandowska Julia

Ree Bio Julia Lewandowska received her PhD in 2016 (summa cum laude) in cultural studies from the University of Warsaw where she is Associate Professor of Spanish Literature and Culture at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales”. She is a specialist of the female conventual culture of the Spanish Golden Ages, which she approaches from an interdisciplinary perspective (literary studies, cultural studies, history of religion, philosophy). Currently she is the principal investigator (PI) of the ministerial research project entitled: The Mother Tongue: Textuality, Authority and Community in the Post-Teresian Reform Female Monasticism (c.1560-1700 ) (2020/39/D/HS2/00902) and a Research Fellow in...

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