Professor Justyna Olko has received ERC funding for implementing the MULTILING-HIST project.
Her research team will carry out the “Multilingual worlds – neglected histories. Uncovering their emergence, continuity and loss in past and present societies” (MULTILING-HIST) project. Its main aim is to reconstruct, explain and better understand the mechanisms and causality of the processes behind the emergence, continuity, reduction and loss (as well as possible re-emergence) of multilingualism in differing historical, geographical, social, political and cultural contexts.
Justyna Olko is the first female scholar in Poland and the representative of humanities and social sciences that has been awarded the European Research Council grant twice. In 2012, Prof. Justyna Olko received the Starting Grant – the first ERC grant for the humanities in Poland – for the project entitled “Europe and America in Contact: A Multidisciplinary Study of Cross-Cultural Transfer in the New World Across Time”. She is also the laureate of the Focus and Team Programs of the Foundation for Polish Science.