Category: Wydarzenia
Panel discussion recording: Commemorating the History, Culture and Tradition of Jews…
On November 16, 2023, a panel discussion “Commemorating the History, Culture and Tradition...
MIASU Research Seminar with Dr. Joanna Dolinska
The Center for Research and Practice in Cultural Continuity invites you to take part in MIASU...
Open lecture by Dr. Thomas Aiello
We are pleased to invite all interested parties to an open lecture The Original Farm Animal...
Indigenous Identities and Resilience in the Americas
Indigenous Identities and Resilience in the Americas: Cross-Disciplinary and Self –...
Conference: „Exhibiting Animals: Curatorial Strategies and Narratives”
Prezentowanie i reprezentowanie zwierząt na wystawach w różnych instytucjach kultury.
Join us on October 20, 2021 the panel “Lengua, espacio y territorio” (Language, Space, and Territory)
Please join us on October 20, 2021 for the panel “Lengua, espacio y territorio” (Language, Space,...

Seminar: “Wanted and Unwanted Tradition”
Prof. Leo Rafolt: „Rituals of the institutionalization” [recording]
CFP: „The Loss and Recovery of the World”
MIASU Research Seminar with Dr. Joanna Dolinska
Open lecture by Dr. Thomas Aiello
Indigenous Identities and Resilience in the Americas
Conference: „Exhibiting Animals: Curatorial Strategies and Narratives”