Monika Stobiecka holds a PhD from the Faculty of „Artes Liberales”, University of Warsaw, Poland. She received MA in History of Art (specialization: modern art) and MA in Archaeology (specialization: museum studies and popularization of archaeology) from the University of Warsaw.
She was granted scholarships by the Lanckoroński from Brzeź Foundation in 2016, the Kościuszko Foundation in 2018, the Foundation for Polish Science in 2019 (START scholarship for the best young researchers from Poland). Monika was awarded with the Jan Józef Lipski award in 2015 (for her MA in art history), the Szczęsny Dettloff award in 2019 (for her doctoral dissertation), the Anna Zeidler-Janiszewska award in 2021 (for her first monograph) and the „Polityka” scientific award in 2020 (scientific achievements in humanities). She is a member of the Polish Young Scholars Academy (PAS). Monika collaborated with the National Museum in Warsaw, Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, Foksal Gallery and Zachęta Polish National Gallery. In 2022 she cofounded the Central Eastern Europe Chapter of Association of Critical Heritage Studies.
Monika was a visiting researcher at the Stanford Archaeology Center (Fall 2018). She delivered talks at the Stanford Archaeology Center (2018), University of Toronto Archaeology Center (2020) and the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Polish Academy of Sciences (2020).
Her research interests include political and ethical dimensions of heritage, digital heritage, archaeological museum studies and the intersection of contemporary art and archaeological theory.
Principal Investigator, The role of archaeological theory in the analyses of contemporary art (chosen examples of Polish and European artworks dated back to 2000), Miniatura Programme, National Science Center
Research team member, Unruly Heritage: An Archaeology of the Anthropocene, The Research Council of Norway
Scientific Expert, Amplification of Nature, a joint-project by the “Centrala” Architectural Atelier and the Zachęta National Gallery in Warsaw for the Venice Architecture Biennale 2018
Subcontractor, Kulturowe Studia Krajobrazowe [Cultural Landscape Studies], Polish National Program for the Development of Humanities
Principal Investigator, Nowoczesne techniki dokumentacji badań archeologicznych. Antyczne miasto Akrai, południowo-wschodnia Sycylia [New Technologies for the Documentation of Archaeological Excavations. Ancient Town of Akrai, South-Eastern Sicily], Diamond Grant Project, Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Project Assistant, Oskar Hansen: otwieranie modernizmu / Oskar Hansen: Opening the Modernism, Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw
- Stobiecka M., Theorizing Archaeological Museum Studies: from Artefact to Exhibit, Routledge, New York-London 2023.
- Stobiecka M., Lively Heritage: On More-Than-Human Encounters at Mediterranean Archaeological Sites, “Journal of Contemporary Archaeology” 2022, 9(1), pp. 64–81.
- Smykowski M., Stobiecka M., Material Records of the Anthropocene. A Surface-oriented Approach, “Rethinking History” 2022, 26(3), pp. 340-370.
- Stobiecka M., Towards a Critical Archeological Museum, in: Critical Public Archaeology, edited by V. C. Westmont, Berghahn Books, New York-Oxford 2022, pp. 91-109.
- Stobiecka M., Archaeological Heritage in the Age of Digital Colonialism, “Archaeological Dialogues” 2020, 27(2), pp. 113-125,
- Stobiecka M., ‘Violent Care’? A Response to Lynn Meskell and Trinidad Rico, “Archaeological Dialogues” 2020, 27(2), pp. 128-134,
- Stobiecka M., Towards a Prosthetic Archaeology, “Journal of Social Archaeology” 2020, 20(3), pp. 335-352,
- Stobiecka M., Farewell to Tradition? Presenting Archaeology after the Digital Turn, “Advances in Archaeological Practice” 2020, 8(3), pp. 313-318,
- Stobiecka M., Doug Bailey: Breaking the Surface. An Art/Archaeology of Prehistoric Architecture. New York, Oxford University Press. 2018, 360 pp. ISBN 978-01-90611-88-0, “Norwegian Archaeological Review”, 2020, 53,
- Stobiecka M., Colonial Regionalism: the Problem of Identity in the Architecture of Zakopane, “Miejsce” 2019, 5,
- Stobiecka M., “An Archaeological Exercise in Art: The Case of Ai Weiwei’s To Be Found.” In: Moving from Landscapes to Cityscapes and Back: Theoretical and Applied Approaches to Human Environments, B. Frydryczak, A. Haapala, M. Salwa (eds.), Przypis 2, Łódź 2020, s. 121-138.
- Domańska E., Stobiecka M., “Archaeological Theory: Paradigm Shift.” In: Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, C. Smith (ed.), Springer, Cham 2019,
- Stobiecka M., Christopher Tilley, Kate Cameron-Daum, An Anthropology of Landscape: The Extraordinary in the Ordinary, UCL Press, London 2017. Book review, “Polish Journal of Landscape Studies” 2019, 2, pp. 133-141.
- Stobiecka M., Nature as Curator. Cultural Heritage in the Anthropocene, “View. Theories and Practices of Visual Culture” 2018, 22,
- Stobiecka M., Digital Escapism. How Objects Become Deprived of Matter, “Journal of Contemporary Archaeology” 2018, 5 (2), pp. 194-212.
- Stobiecka M., Entangled Objects: The Place of Archaeological Artifacts in Past Collections and its Influence on Modern Archaeological Museums, “ Romanian Cultural History Review. Supplement of Brukenthal. Acta Musei” 2016, 6, pp. 675-693.
- Stobiecka M., Lively Heritage: On More-Than-Human Encounters at Mediterranean Archaeological Sites, “Journal of Contemporary Archaeology” 2022, 9(1), pp. 64–81.
- Smykowski M., Stobiecka M., Material Records of the Anthropocene. A Surface-oriented Approach, “Rethinking History” 2022, 26(3), pp. 340-370.
- Stobiecka M., Archaeological Heritage in the Age of Digital Colonialism, “Archaeological Dialogues” 2020, 27(2), pp. 113-125,
- Stobiecka M., ‘Violent Care’? A Response to Lynn Meskell and Trinidad Rico, “Archaeological Dialogues” 2020, 27(2), pp. 128-134,
- Stobiecka M., Farewell to Tradition? Presenting Archaeology after the Digital Turn, “Advances in Archaeological Practice” 2020, 8(3), pp. 313-318,
- Stobiecka M., Colonial Regionalism: the Problem of Identity in the Architecture of Zakopane, “Miejsce” 2019, 5,
- Stobiecka M., Nature as curator. Cultural Heritage in the Anthropocene, “ Theories and Practices of Visual Culture” 2018, 22,
- Stobiecka M., Christopher Tilley, Kate Cameron-Daum, An Anthropology of Landscape: The Extraordinary in the Ordinary, UCL Press, London 2017. Book review, “Polish Journal of Landscape Studies” 2019, 2, pp. 133-141.
- Stobiecka M., Digital Escapism. How Objects Become Deprived of Matter, “Journal of Contemporary Archaeology” 2018, 5 (2), pp. 194-212.